The Italian Greyhound is a small, elegant sighthound whose ancestors go back to ancient Egypt up to 2,000 years ago, taking the name ‘Italian Greyhound’ only in much more recent times when the breed became popular in Renaissance Italy as a ladies’ companion dog.

Often mistaken for baby Whippets, Italian Greyhounds are actually very different in temperament, although Italian Greyhounds were used in the breeding mix to create the Whippet breed in the mid-19th Century.

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Many of the Italian Greyhounds that we re-home come to us because they have been sold by commercial breeders who haven’t painted an accurate picture of what it’s like to live with these little dogs and the new owners just can’t cope – they are not an easy breed of dog in many respects.

Two Italian Greyhounds
Italian Greyhounds are affectionate, bright, intelligent and curious little dogs who will find things to do if you don’t provide adequate entertainment. Sounds cute? It can be. At other times it can be very inconvenient!

Italian Greyhounds are generally a sociable breed and will get on with most of other dogs but we do not recommend having Italian Greyhounds with large, powerful dogs – simply because a big dog has the potential to do a lot of damage to an Italian Greyhound. Imagine a friendly Boxer dog playing with a tiny Italian Greyhound – one playful leap landing on the Italian Greyhound’s back could lead to broken legs at best and an Italian Greyhound that has to be put to sleep at worst.

Italian Greyhounds are a joy but at a cost – they are high maintenance in almost every aspect of their lives! If you are considering bringing an Italian Greyhound into your home please make sure that you do your research thoroughly.